
Dr. Azim Eskandarian

Lab Director
Alice T. and William H. Goodwin Jr. Dean, College of Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Current research areas: Dynamic Systems and Controls; AI & Machine Learning; Autonomous and Robotic Systems; Autonomous and Intelligent Vehicles; Collision Avoidance and Driver Assistance; Neurodynamics; Vehicle Dynamics, Control, and Active Safety; Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Prior research also included: Multi-body and Impact Dynamics, Applied Mechanics and Nano-mechanics, Non-linear Dynamic FEM and Meshless Methods, Vehicle Crashworthiness, and Occupant Injury Biomechanics.

Dr. Eskandarian's past research

Dr. Gonzalo Garcia

Postdoc Researcher

Research focus: Control systems applied to robotics, vehicles, and drones

Dr. Shathushan Sivashangaran

Postdoc Researcher

Research focus: AI/ML in Robotics

Dr. Goodarz Mehr

Postdoc Researcher

Research focus: Cooperative Perception and Control in Robotics and Autonomous Driving